Google releases new direct output Language Translation tool for Android and iOS devices

Google releases new direct output Language Translation tool for Android and iOS devices

New Instant Language Translation App from Google for Android and iOS users

Often language is the important factor during travelling. Sometimes,  you do not know what a single word being spelled in different countries you visit on business or for leisure. Now Google  has updated the platform of translator which can guide you in different ways. The updated platform is available for Android and iOS versions.
The translator uses the lens to snap a photo of the text, recognize words and translates in 36 different languages in your phone screen. The use of lens to translate the text is an easier and much convenient tool which will help people to read road signs and areas without the use of internet.

If a  conversation is going on between members. Tap the mic and the Google Translate app will automatically recognise which language is being spoken by both members . Once the two languages have been recognised, the app will be poised to translate speech.

This instant translation currently works for translation from English to and from French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
This is the first time some of these advanced features, like camera translations and conversation mode, will be available for iOS users.
Today more than 1 billion people uses Google translator for easily and fast communication. This new platform will take us one step closer to universal translator where language is never a barrier to communication.
You can download the updated Google Translate App from Google Play for Android devices from here. iPhone and iPad users can download the updated App from here.


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